An ancient popular story, dating back to the time of the Most Serene Republic of Venice, narrates the journey of Princess Eleonora Gonzaga (Mantua 1598 - Vienna 1655) on her way to Innsbruck to be married to Emperor Ferdinand II of the House of Habsburg in 1622. Legend has it that, during her travel, the princess stayed at some lavish Palladian villas, where she was introduced to a simple dessert that the local peasants baked and that she became fond of. Made from poor ingredients, the cake was dry, yet crumbly, and the Venetian nobility, during their banquets, used to break it into small irregular pieces, called "sbrisole", that they would then dip in fine raisin wines.
Bonissima - Linea Tradizionale
A cake was created, with nutritious ingredients which today Dario Loison wants to offer in order not to forget the common traditions lived also by him.